6 Professional Tips on How to Style Your Shelves

Have you ever looked at a well designed home and thought “How does this look so beautiful and why can’t I do that?” Well, as designers, we are here for you! Having a well designed space starts and ends with the details. Because we believe that beautiful shelves play a big part in showcasing the design of your home, We have compiled a short list of tips to help style the shelves in your space. By the end of this article, you will be a pro, and if you need a little more guidance, don’t worry, we have some tools to help!

1. Vary Heights and Layer Items. 

The main goal when styling shelves is to create visual interest that causes the eye to wander across the space. This can be achieved by using objects of varying heights and layering them. When you use items that are all the same size, you lose complexity and the eye stops in its tracks, causing the design and space to be overlooked. By varying heights and layering items on your shelves, you ensure nothing will be overlooked.

Tip**Be sure to place the larger items in the back portion of the shelf. This way it can in a way serve as a backdrop for your masterpiece!

2. Limit Color Selections to Three

Another way to strengthen your shelf design is to have no more than three main colors. Too many colors in one area, and they start to compete with one another and the space loses focus. When selecting your colors, think to yourself, “How do I want this space to feel?”, “What other colors are in my house that I love?” This is a great way to tie in other design elements from your home into your shelf space.

**Tip: Below is a list of colors and how they can make people feel. Of course everyone is different, but this is a great starting point.

Red: ​Passionate, aggressive, important  | Orange: Playful, energetic, cheap | Yellow: Happy, friendly, warning | Green: Natural, stable, prosperous | Blue: Serene, trustworthy, inviting |   Purple: Luxurious, mysterious, romantic | Pink: ​Feminine, young, innocent | Brown: Earthy, sturdy, rustic | Black: Powerful, sophisticated, edgy | White: Clean, virtuous, healthy | Grey: Neutral, formal, gloomy | Beige: Accentuates surrounding colors

3. Use Book Bindings in Like Colors or Uniform

Remember how we said to keep the colors to three? This includes little details such as book spines! When we style our clients homes we always make sure to accessorize with gorgeous books. Not sure where to get them? Go to your local secondhand book store and you can find some beautiful books in every color at a bargain. If you want to splurge there are some great coffee table books online that can do the trick.

** Tip: If you go to Etsy there are sellers that will specifically sell you books of the same color scheme by the box. (You can find anything on the internet, right?!)

Do You Need More Guidance?

Our designers put together seven shelf styling templates for a DIY approach. Think about paint by numbers for shelf styling. Pretty handy right?

Shelf Styling 101 Cover page.jpg

Shelf Styling Guides

4. Add Greenery 

Say it with me...”A faux is better than a no.” Greenery is such an important element in styling that often gets overlooked. Adding greenery in your space is not only beautiful, but it can help you feel more relaxed. There is something special about bringing the outdoors in that gives a sense of serenity to a space. Plus some extra oxygen in the air is always a plus!

** Tip: If you are like me and do not have a green thumb, do not worry, we have options! These will also work great if your room does not get sunlight.

1. Succulents- These do not need much care and can basically weather the storm through anything!

2. Dried plants /bouquet-If you have never dried out your flowers or plants, it is so easy! Just hang them upside down in a dark closet for about 2 weeks. Vuala! A beautiful dried bouquet for you to style with that will never die (well because it is already dead..)

3. Faux-Yes, there are some great faux plants out there!

5. Make it Functional

Here at Savvy, we firmly believe these words of Louis H. Sullivan​: “Form follows function”. There is a reason it is such a well known saying. The concept means that without functionality something can not truly be beautiful. With this being said, make sure when you are styling your shelves, to make them functional as well. It will be wasted space for them not to serve a purpose. Do you have a beautiful set of antique glassware hiding away in a cabinet somewhere? Dig it out and see if you can find a way to incorporate it into your shelf design. We love to see kitchenware that utilizes both function and beautiful design.

** Tip: If you believe that your shelves purpose is to simply be beautiful...we will back you up 100%

6. Use Sentimental Pieces

Using sentimental pieces is so important when it comes to styling. Having beautiful items you purchased together at a store may look nice, but your space will start to feel like a model home. When you use sentimental pieces it makes you feel more relaxed and at ease. These items also serve as conversation starters. When you have company over or a client into the office these items are a great way to break the ice and get the conversation flowing!

**Tip: Use items that compliment the colors that you have chosen for the space.

With these quick tips, you’ll have the confidence to make your shelves look as beautiful as the space around them. Now go grab some of your favorite accessories in your favorite colors and get designing!